“My dreams was… to help people who are vulnerable,” says Ohjay (pseud, 41) wh
o arrived in Germany in 2011. He became a refugee because he “clashed with the system… I left out because of my safety.” His journey to Europe was “very tough for me because I lost some of my friends.” Life in the country was difficult for years after his arrival. At first, he lived on the streets until, “I met a good German that took me home, that took me to their place… they were so friendly… they give me hope.” But what he really wanted was work. “Almost ten years of my life… I can’t work. I can’t move forward.” The experience caused “pain and depression in me.” He felt “useless.” He didn’t give up though: “No matter how bad my situation is, I try to look at the positive side. That give me strength and hope.” Eventually he received a work permit. “Sometimes I’m grateful for the problem,” he says, recalling the past. “The problem really shaped me to who I am today.”
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