“What’s good about being here—number one—the human rights,” says refu
gee Garba Kalifa (32). “You are free, everybody is equal. Nobody is above anybody.” It’s been more than five years since Garba arrived in Europe after fleeing Nigeria where he says his life was in danger. Today, Italy feels like home—although it’s not been easy. He says it “has been difficult for me is trying to find a job and trying to get the documents.” He’s also struggled being so far from his family. “You need somebody to talk to, you need somebody by your side.” He thinks about what his mother told him before he left. “She always advised me, and she gave me courage, even when I think I failed. She always told me: ‘No, you passed’.” When times are tough, he remembers her words. “She keeps on strengthening me.” But he would rather look forward than dwell on the past. “Before I left Nigeria my dream was to be a big artist,” he says. “I’m still working towards it. I’m still working towards that dream.”
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