“My dream is to become a politician to help my country so the young people like me don’t
suffer the way I suffer,” says Morty Rhmy (pseud, 20). Because of his father’s politics, Rhmy’s family was forced to flee to Europe, a journey that saw them living in a tent for 40 days on the Greek island of Samos. “That breaks my confidence,” he says when remembering the suffering his mother and siblings faced during the trip. “That’s the worst moment of my life.” Now, despite being registered at a refugee camp, Rhmy spend most of his time with his cousin who lives in Athens. “It’s like a prison, but with open doors,” he says of the conditions at the camp. When quarantine began, Rhmy became depressed. “I wanted to hurt myself,” he explains. But soon, he got a volunteer position as a journalist and photographer for a magazine. The work brings him joy. “There are many millions like me to change this. And that’s the dream. And we will do it.”
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