About Refugees, By Refugees

Amir Mahdi Qalandari

…says, he struggles living in a refugee camp. He often questions himself, “is this the life that I endured all these hardships to achieve?” But he has found strength in…

Parsa Rad

…from family, and away from my children.” This limbo has now lasted five years and his resilience is being tested: “I have always been a person that could stand on…


…a strong voice” and he believes that “vulnerabilities and our weaknesses and the things that we go through sometimes can be our greatest advantage.” Though the future is uncertain, Qussai…

Nana Burhan

…school and earned scholarships. “I think everyone can get everything they can, no matter where they come from. If you work for it, you get it.” Strength and support from…

Joud Almohamad

…with anxiety. To cope, she says she is “making myself busy with my mind, with my own business, with my own study.” And she dreams: “Mine bestest, the dream… going…

Nadia Khedr

…life in Egypt as blessed but says with al Sisi’s presidency her son had “false legislations [made] against him.” Her family had to come to the UK to “keep living…