About Refugees, By Refugees

Roghaia Mohammadi

Roghaia Mohammadi Afghan Afghanistan When Roghaia Mohammadi (34) left her home in Afghanistan, and then Iran, her dream was to “experience a peaceful, war-free life and get ahead by working…

David Sesay

…“Where is the humanity? Migrants all over the streets of Paris.” David says western intervention led to the “tsunami” of migrants. “Because you disturbed their home, they need to come…


and “visiting other countries,” he believes “I’m not going to achieve my dreams until 10 years from now, probably.” In the meantime, he says, “I don’t know what’s coming next.”…


…suicide to “find peace and comfort,” but “the thought of what would happen to my daughter has prevented me from doing it.” Now she dreams “to have my family together…

Le Petit Prince

…it is not the same?” Le Petit Prince says he didn’t think he was strong before, but has done a lot of things since coming to London. “I tried to…

Rabbi Allam

Rabbi Allam Bangladeshi Bangladesh “My dream before coming to Spain was to stay here for a few years, getting rich and helping my family, and help poor people in my…