About Refugees, By Refugees

Portrait of 10 years old Refugee Louna Alnoufi smiling

Louna Alnoufi

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I’m going to school and hanging out with my friends or going to someone’s birthday party,” says 10 year-old refugee Louna Alnoufi describing her life in London. She doesn’t remember much about Syria, her country of birth, or the war there. Nor does she recall much of the journey that led her to Europe. Settled now in the UK with her mother and two sisters, she finds joy in “playing video games,” and “meeting new friends.” The Covid-19 Lockdown made the latter difficult and took its toll on her: “It kind of made me a bit bored at home and it made me act more crazy when I finally got to school,” she says. However, Covid couldn’t kill her dreams: “My dream is to become a YouTuber in the future. And I also dream to stay up very late in the night.”

full interview

OK, so who do you live with?
I live with my two sisters and my mom.

And can you describe the condition of the house that you live in? Are you feeling comfortable?
Uh, yeah.

How do you spend your time here?
By playing video games um,.

By heres, I mean in like in in London in general, not only in your home.
Oh, OK. I’m going to school and hanging out with my friends or go into someone’s birthday party.

OK, so what are some of the things that bring you joy?
Playing Roblox.

(something in other language from 3rd party).
That that does not give me joy. That gives me miserable things.

And how has life been since you arrived in Europe? What’s been good about being here and what was difficult?
I don’t know actually.

Try to think about what is good about being here or living here?
Um, meeting new friends. OK, but the not a good thing is going to restaurants when I don’t want to.

And what is the difficulties with living here?
Of how much homework I get.

How is COVID-19 affect your term of daily life and mood and feeling?
Well, ever since covid-19 came, I thought I was going to be like a short COVID-19, but little did I know I was going to be seven or five months. I forgot how many months. So it kind of made me a bit bored at home and it made me act more crazy when I finally got to school. So I think it affected my life by being crazy.

So you love it when you go back to school or not?
Half yes. Half no.

OK, so do you know why did you leave your country or?
I don’t know actually.

You don’t know?
(Because of war.)
Oh yeah, the war.
(It was a killer.)

(3rd party speaking)

Do, you know how that make you feel or you don’t remember? How old are you when you left your home?
I don’t really remember.

How old are you?
(Third party speaking in other language)

OK, so what are your hopes and dreams for the future though?

What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
Well, my dream is to become a YouTuber in the future and my hobbies are playing games.

Your hobby? What do wish?  
Yeah, to play more video games.
(3rd party speaking).
Yeah, Or stay  up at 1:00 a.m.,.
(3rd party speaking).

So can you repeat what are your dream for the future and say and start the question and start the answer by saying “my dream is”.
My dream is to become a YouTuber in the future. And I also dream to stay up very late in the night.

OK, thank you.

Many 1000 Dreams interviews were not conducted in English. Their translation has not always been performed by professional translators. Despite great efforts to ensure accuracy, there may be errors.