About Refugees, By Refugees

Hossinali Nazari

Hossinali Nazari Afghan Afghanistan “Hard times come, and we fight against them,” says Hossin Ali Nazari, 29, an Afghan refugee living in Greece. Hossin was “just a child” when he…

Emad Mohammed

…stress makes him feel awful: “I come [to] England, I have all black hair, now I have a white hair…” But, he clarifies, “I don’t want to open my hand,

Jom Faiyen

…out from Laos.” Now living in Paris, he feels free. “We happy that we have the freedom to speak… Now we are human. When I live in Thailand, I didn’t…

Athul Pereira

Athul Pereira Sri Lankan Sri Lanka “I feel free,” says Athul Pereira (pseud, 42), a political refugee currently in Europe. “Now, I can build another life.” A journalist, Athul fled…


for asylum in the Netherlands and experienced a lot of stress in the refugee camp, but is now comfortable and happy living in an apartment: “I feel sad that I…

Melika Hosseini

…dream was to become free,” she says, reflecting on life in Iran. “I had the dream that one day my children and I could walk freely, go everywhere free, and