About Refugees, By Refugees


…of experience made me feel my survival so I will keep going anyway. If not for me, for my beloved ones.” Now working as a freelancer, he says one of…

Tina Moradi

…didn’t exist.” Motivated, however, by her son and her faith, and with some assistance from the government, she broke free. “I feel like I am so powerful now,” she says….

Yasaman Rezaei

…attached to my soil,” she says, explaining that she left Iran with great reluctance. “I most of the times don’t see myself as an immigrant. I have come here to…

Pavel Herrera Hernández

…French. “Today my dream is to be happy,” he says. “Enjoy what I never had in Cuba—enjoy rights, respect.” It’s come at a cost, however: asked by his children when…

Armin Tahmasbi

…run away from where I lived to reach a place that has freedom, not being treated badly, and to be safe.” He is currently in a refugee camp in Germany,…

Leila Saadati

Leila Saadati Iranian Iran “My dream is that Iranians live in freedom and peace”, says Leila Saadati (42), a journalist originally from Iran. When the authorities started arresting her colleagues…